Broken Sword Wiki

André Lobineau's Society of Antiquarian Knowledge
Lobineau's website home

André Lobineau's Society of Antiquarian Knowledge Homepage

Type Website
Status Active
Appearance Broken Sword: The Angel of Death

André Lobineau's Society of Antiquarian Knowledge, also called by its french name "La société des antiquaires", is a restricted website created by André Lobineau .

It contains historical data about the Templars and Baphomet. George Stobbart was blackballed from this website after the Glastonbury events (events depicted in Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon).

George did, however, manage to hack Lobineau's private server and accessed to the website, thanks to Virgil's hacking tool.


  • Charles Cecil revealed a drawing of a bunny and a dead goat on his Twitter account. The picture was created by John Walker a former staff in Revolution.

